Kitap Hakkında
This volume highlights examples of images of innovative craft works from various regions of the Muslim world which have made theseproducts flourish through theages towards sublime.Theseexamples reflect theauthenticityof thecraftproductsandthetraditionalartsas theyareappliedin architecture, calligraphy,gilding, arabesque,bookbinding, miniature,pottery, engravingon woodandother works. They are expressionsofbeauty andsplendour and productsof a creative spirit. The volume alsogives an overview of the experiencesof some member countries in the fieldof crafts andsome craftspeople, in order to make these experiences shared by others, encourage cooperation and promote exchanges of views on the different techniques used. The volumealsoaims toprovidea much neededdocumentation of scholarly naturerelatingtothevarious Islamic craft worksas recordedon thespot, through field work. This documentation is supplemented with data and explanatory tables on the present state of this sector. Thereader willalsofindinformation on theeconomicandfinancialaspects, theroleofgovernmentsandpatronage,dataanddocumentation concerning this sector, the markets, channels of distribution, product development and promotion, among others.
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